Happy Valentines Day! I hope everyone is enjoying this day with their special someone or just good company, whether in person or in spirit =] Anyways, the color pink is not my cup of tea, so the only times I would consider painting a complete pink mani is during January & February. Ha, it'll be impossible to attempt to use all the pink polishes I have. Oh, & the reds too! For this mani, I used three coats of China Glaze Second Hand Silk & placed heart stickers on top. I could have got away with two coats of SHS, but I always favor three & the heart stickers came with a bottle of Seche Vite I purchased last year.
& Does this picture look weird? I made picture upside down, lol.
Second Hand Silk |
Vanilla Butter Cream & Toasted Coconut Flakes |

The SO & I did a Pre-Valentine scavenger hunt yesterday. The first prize was a dinner for two, roses, and two free pictures! Second prize was a Hello Kitty pinata filled with candy and Hello Kitty goodies. We weren't even close to winning, lol, but we had fun running around Japantown for two hours. We also got free strawberry covered chocolate flavored mochi at one of the station. & Dolci Bar also sold cupcakes there & I had one! Anyways, the whole point of the scavenger hunt was my attempt to get free Pika Pika pictures. Hehe, I love purikura (photo booths)! & Especially when they're 50% off :) Today was just like any other day, nail polishes + food w/ the SO ^___^ He helped me make spicy tofu soup :)